【2018年版】東京にあるおすすめの海鮮居酒屋10選 【2018 Edition】10 Recommended Seafood Izakaya in Tokyo

As an island country surrounded by the ocean, Japan is a country blessed with fresh seafood. Below are 10 handpicked izakaya (Japanese-style tavern) in metropolitan Tokyo that specialize in seafood dishes.

1. 完全個室と京料理 はんなり邸 八重洲本店 Hannaritei Yaesu Main Shop

東京駅から徒歩1分という好立地にある居酒屋。扉付完全個室でゆったりと落ち着いて食事を楽しめます。看板メニューは、産地直送の鮮魚が使われた料理。煮物や焼き物など、多彩な調理法で旬の海の幸の美味しさを堪能できます。おすすめは、新鮮さを実感できる「鮮魚のお造り盛り合わせ(※季節によって内容は変動 1,980円〜2,680円(税抜))」。そのほか、抹茶を練り込んだ蕎麦など、京都の食材を取り入れた創作料理も人気です。
Hannaritei Yaesu Main Shop is an izakaya boasting a prime location just a one-minute walk from Tokyo Station. Here, you can enjoy dining while relaxing in a completely private room with a door. Its signature dishes are those that use seafood shipped directly from the source, and you can savor the delicious flavors of seasonal seafood cooked in many different ways, including stewing and grilling. The recommendation here is the Sengyo no Otsukuri Moriawase (assorted sashimi from fresh, seasonal fish) (1,980 JPY – 2,680 JPY (excl. tax)). Aside from that dish, this izakaya is also famous for its creative dishes that incorporate Kyoto ingredients such as soba (buckwheat noodles) kneaded with matcha (green tea).

Shop Information

2. 産直青魚専門 恵比寿 御厨 Mikuriya

恵比寿駅から徒歩2分の位置にある人気店。コンセプトは「青魚専門×日本酒」。鰺、鯖、鰯など、産地直送・鮮度抜群の「青魚」を使ったメニューを看板としています。おすすめは、お造りの盛り合わせ「青魚三種盛り(1,600円(税抜))」や、塩でしめた鯖を使った寿司「【名物】炙り〆鯖の棒寿司(4貫 1,500円(税抜)〜)」などです。また、利き酒師が吟味した全国選りすぐりの地酒も種類豊富。プレミアムな希少酒も仕入れられています。
Mikuriya is a popular shop that is just a 2-minute walk from Ebisu Station. It does business under the concept of “aozakana specialty x Japanese sake”. Its signature menu is a list of dishes that use “aozakana” (blue-backed fish) such as horse mackerel, Japanese mackerel and sardines, which are sourced directly from their production areas and boast superb freshness. Recommended here are the Aozakana Sanshu-mori (1,600 JPY (excl. tax)), which is an assortment of three kinds of blue-backed fish, and the Meibutsu – Aburi Shime Saba no Bozushi (prices start at 1,500 JPY (excl. tax) for four pieces), which is a plate of sushi that uses mackerel marinated in salt. There is also a rich lineup of local alcohols from all over the country that have been carefully selected by the shop’s sake connoisseur. They even have premium rare sakes.

Shop Information

3. いかの墨 新宿駅南口店 IKA no SUMI Shinjuku Station South Exit Shop

The Shinjuku Station South Exit Shop, located just two minutes from Shinjuku Station on foot, is the Tokyo branch of IKA no SUMI, a famous izakaya in Niigata. This izakaya mainly draws in customers with its fresh seafood from Sado, Niigata, and is widely known for being a treasure trove of ingredients, as well as having wide selection of Japanese sakes, including rare brands. Fish and seafood that are raised in the rough Sea of Japan are characterized by their firm meat and good amount of fat. At this izakaya, you will get to enjoy seasonal seafood such as red snow crabs, a premium fish called Nodoguro, squid, and shrimp that are served in various ways. Recommended here are the Sado-oki Otsukuri Moriawase (assortment of sashimi from seafood caught in the coast of Sado), the contents and price of which depend on each day’s seafood delivery, and the Honjitsu no Sado-oki Chokuso – Hamayaki (freshly caught seafood grilled at the beach). Foreign language menu (English) available.

Shop Information

4. ニュー魚バカ三太郎 新宿本店 New Uobaka Santaro Shinjuku Main Shop

千葉・房州エリアを中心とした地方漁港に独自のルートを持ち、市場を通さずに毎日直接買い付けてくることで知られる「魚ばか」グループが営む居酒屋。そのため質の高さが保たれるだけでなく、数が獲れない・鮮度が落ちやすいとの理由で通常は市場に出まわりにくい希少な魚なども味わうことができます。その美味しさを存分に楽しむなら、刺身や天ぷらなどが付く「1名 5,500円(税込))〜」のコース料理がおすすめです。
New Uobaka Santaro Shinjuku Main Shop is an izakaya run by the Uobaka Group, which is known for having its own route to the local fishing harbors, especially those in Chiba’s Boshu area, so it is able to directly purchase seafood every day without going through the market. With that, this shop is not only able to ensure high quality in the seafood that it uses, but it also gives customers a chance to taste rare seafood that is not normally seen in markets either because it is caught in limited quantity or its freshness rapidly deteriorates. If you want to fully enjoy their delicious flavors, then try the course meals (prices start at 5,500 JPY per person (incl. tax)), which include sashimi, tempura and other dishes.

Shop Information

5. 築地鮪仲卸直営店 鮮菜魚 早瀬 Hayase

築地市場で鮪仲卸のプロフェッショナルとして活躍するオーナーが営むお店。例えば、旬の本マグロなどで他店で3,000円近くするものが1,000円で食べられるなど(値段は季節で変動)、「新鮮で質の高い食材をリーズナブルな価格で食べられる」と口コミで人気が広がっています。一品料理を楽しむのも良いですが、少し贅沢なコース料理「板長おまかせ厳選 6000円コース(1名 6,480円(税込))」もぜひお試しください。外国語(英語)メニューあり。
Hayase is an izakaya that is run by a professional intermediate wholesaler of tuna at Tsukiji Market. This shop is becoming increasingly famous through word of mouth, with customers claiming that “you can eat fresh, high-quality ingredients at reasonable prices” since, for instance, the seasonal Pacific bluefin tuna is just 1,000 JPY (price may change depending on the season) here, whereas it costs nearly 3,000 JPY in other restaurants. You can enjoy a la carte dishes, of course, but make sure to try the slightly luxurious course meal Itacho Omakase Gensen 6,000-en Course (a course in which the dishes served are chosen by the head chef) (6,480 JPY (incl. tax) for one person). Foreign language menu (English) available.

Shop Information

6. 炭焼・寿し処 くし路 KITTE 丸の内店 Kushiro KITTE Marunouchi Shop

Kushiro KITTE Marunouchi Shop is located on the 6th floor of the commercial facility KITTE, directly connected to Tokyo Station. The main highlights here are the dishes from Hokkaido, so you can fully enjoy the bounties of the fertile land and water of the north. Some of the dishes offered here include sushi hand-formed carefully by chefs, sashimi of extremely fresh seafood, and hearty charcoal-grilled dishes. When it comes to ingredients, this izakaya serves those that are in season, including the premium fish Kinki (broadfin thornyhead), scallops, hokke (a kind of mackerel), sea urchin, salmon and crab. Recommended here is the Tarabagani Sumiyaki (charcoal-grilled red king crab) (2,980 JPY (excl. tax)). Foreign language menu (English) available.

Shop Information

7. 完全個室 居酒屋 お通 八重洲店 Otsu Yaesu Shop

東京駅から歩いてすぐの好立地にある居酒屋。常時40種以上揃う日本酒など、お酒にぴったりの色々な料理を楽しめますが、特に自慢は産地直送の新鮮な魚介類を使ったメニュー。季節の魚介を取り合わせたお刺身の盛り合わせなどで、鮮度の高さと旨味を堪能できます。また、2名から楽しめる飲み放題付きのコース料理も多様に揃っています(例:日本酒飲み放題+料理10品 7,500円(税込)など)。外国語(中国語)対応スタッフあり。
Otsu is an izakaya boasting a prime location that is within a short walking distance from Tokyo Station. Here, you can enjoy more than 40 kinds of Japanese sakes and various dishes that go well with them, but the pride of this shop is actually its menu of dishes that use fresh seafood sourced directly from their production areas. You can savor extremely fresh and tasty seafood through such offerings as the assortment of seasonal sashimi. There are also various course meals that come with all-you-can-drink service that can be enjoyed by groups of two or more (for instance, the Nihonshu Nomihodai + Ryori 10-pin (all-you-can-drink Japanese sake with 10 dishes) (7,500 JPY (incl. tax)). There are staff who can speak Chinese.

Shop Information

8. しゃくしゃく Shakushaku

大人の街・銀座にある人気店です。滋味あふれる気取りのない和食メニューが中心で、看板料理はおでん(お好み3品盛り合わせ 1人前480円など)。タコやイワシのつみれなど、魚介のタネも色々と揃っています。また、お酒の締めにもぴったりな「たいめし(2~3人前 2,000円(税抜)〜)」も名物メニュー。鯛の骨の出汁でじっくりと炊き上げ、鯛の旨味をしみこませた人気の一品です。外国語(英語・中国語簡体語)メニューあり。
Shakushaku is a popular izakaya in Ginza, which is known as the town for adults. This shop is pillared on its Japanese cuisine menu with flavorful and simple dishes, and its signature dish is oden (a dish of various ingredients stewed in soy sauce-based broth) (480 JPY per person for a selection of three oden items). The oden here has octopus, sardine tsumire (fish balls) and various other seafood ingredients. Another one of its famous dishes is the Taimeshi (rice with sea bream) (prices start at 2,000 JPY (excl. tax) for a serving that is good for 2-3 persons), which is perfect when enjoyed after some sake. It is a famous dish that is filled with the delicious flavors of sea bream carefully cooked in sea bream bone broth. Foreign language menus (English and Simplified Chinese) available.

Shop Information

9. 長生庵 Choseian

創業40年以上、築地市場場外の奥まった場所にあるお店。蕎麦店でありながら、地酒やおつまみのメニューが豊富なことから、夜になると隠れ家的な穴場居酒屋として人気を博しています。市場の近くという立地ならではの、鮮度の高い魚介を使った料理と、美味しい自家製蕎麦を堪能できます。おすすめは、新鮮な本マグロをお刺身などで楽しめる「天然本鮪 中とろ 赤身 盛り合わせ(2,000円)」などです。
Founded more than 40 years ago, Choseian is tucked into a secluded place outside of Tsukiji Market. It may be a soba shop, but it also has a rich lineup of local sakes and snacks, and is famous as a quaint hole-in-the-wall izakaya at night. In addition to delicious homemade soba, you can enjoy dishes that use extremely fresh seafood, since the izakaya is located right near Tsukiji market. Recommended here is the Tennen Honmaguro Chu-toro Akami Moriawase (assortment of medium-fatty and lean slices of natural Pacific bluefin tuna) (2,000 JPY), which will let you enjoy fresh Pacific bluefin tuna sashimi.

Shop Information

10. 売切御免! 毎日解体 まぐろ商店 Maguro Shoten

日本屈指の歓楽街、新宿・歌舞伎町にあるお店。築地市場より1本買いされる「生まぐろの解体ショー」が毎日開催されることで人気です。おすすめは、1尾から5~6枚しかとれない贅沢な輪切り状で提供される「生まぐろ年輪の溶岩焼き(2名~3名分 1枚 2,980円(税抜))」。生で刺身として食べるほか、溶岩石で炙るのも美味しい一品です。そのほか、中骨を豪快にそぎ取って食べる「生まぐろの中落ち【骨身】(約2名分 1,980円(税抜))」もおすすめです。
Maguro Shoten is a shop that is located in Kabukicho, Shinjuku, which is known as the premiere entertainment district in Japan. It is famous for its daily “Nama Maguro no Kaitai Show” wherein a whole tuna purchased from Tsukiji Market is dissected in front of an audience. Recommended here is the Nama Maguro Nenrin no Yogan-yaki (2,980 JPY (excl. tax) for a serving that is good for 2-3 persons) that comes with luxurious ring of slices of tuna that only come in 5-6 slices per one tuna. You can eat the tuna raw, or you can enjoy a delicious a la carte dish that is tuna grilled on a lava stone. Another recommended dish at this izakaya is the Nama Maguro no Nakaochi [Honemi] (1,980 JPY (excl. tax) for a serving that is good for about two persons) that will let you enjoy the splendid taste of the backbone of the fish.

Shop Information



When you go sightseeing in Tokyo, choose any one of the spots featured in this article for dinner.

*Please note that the information in this article is from the time of writing or publication and may differ from the latest information.
